Dear !

The Faculty of Economics of the University of Pécs, in strategic cooperation with a market partner, is conducting research to find out your views on employment and specifically on the manufacturing sector.
The results will be used by the Client to improve the conditions in the manufacturing sector, while PTE-KTK will incorporate the results into the development of programmes and student services.

We would like to emphasise that we are only interested in the aggregated data. To facilitate the completion of the form, we will temporarily link the data, which will not be disclosed to third parties, and will be anonymised after the 14th working day following the deadline for completion. By completing the form, you consent to the processing of your data. You can read further information on the processing here.

Survey participants will be entered into a prize draw to win a gift pack created by the Client. To participate in the draw, please enter a username and password at the end of the questionnaire. Information about the winners will be sent by e-mail to all those involved in the draw.  

If you give your Neptun code, you can PARTICIPATE in the prize draw, and you don't have to fill in many demographic questions, we mach the data to the answers in accordance with the Privacy Policy, and then evaluate them anonymously. 
Do you give your Neptun code?


At which Faculty do you study?

What is the language of the education?

What is the level of your programme?

What is the education schedule you study in?

In what form of financing do you study?

What is your gender?

1. Questions on career development

0. What's the language of your programme?

1.1. Please rate how true are the following statements in relation to your career plans on a scale of one to five!
(Where 1= not true at all, 2= slightly true 3= partly true, partly not, 4= largely true, 5= absolutely true for you)  

I have an adequate level of self-awareness, i.e. a realistic self-image, and I am aware of my strengths and areas for improvement. I am aware of the main characteristics of my personality.

Not true at all

Absolutely true


I know my interest and what I would be happy to deal with in my work.

Not true at all

Absolutely true


I know the labour market opportunities, I am aware of current trends.

Not true at all

Absolutely true


I know what kind of job would be ideal for me.

Not true at all

Absolutely true


I have specific, clear career goals.

Not true at all

Absolutely true


I am constantly monitoring and checking to see if I am progressing according to my designated goals.

Not true at all

Absolutely true


1.3. In relation to your career, please rate the extent to which you agree with each statement on a scale of 1 to 6.
(Where 1 = do not agree at all, 2 = disagree, 3 = rather disagree, 4 = rather agree, 5 = agree, 6 = fully agree)

I am truly satisfied with my work when I can use and develop my personal skills and talents.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


My ambition is to be as high-level manager as possible in an organisation.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


I feel most comfortable in my job when I have complete freedom to define my tasks, allocate my time and plan my workflow.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


I usually seek positions in organisations that provide a sense of security and stability.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


I am constantly looking for ideas to help me start my own business.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


I will only feel successful in my work if I feel I am making a real contribution to the well-being of society.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


I am most satisfied with my work when I solve a problem that seems insurmountable or win in a situation where I had no chance.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


I only feel successful in life if I can balance personal, family, and work demands.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


Working abroad is very attractive to me and I enjoy working in an international environment.

Do not agree at all

Fully agree


2. Questions on employment

2.1. What are your plans after finishing your studies?

2.2. Do you plan to work primarily in Hungary?

2.5. What channel do you plan to use, how will you find a job?

2.6. Who would you ask for advice on finding a job? (Multiple answers possible.)

2.7. What is your preferred type of employment?

2.8. In which sector would you like to work?

Nettó Ezer Ft/Net Thousands of HUF



2.12. What position will you realistically hold in 5 years' time?

2.13. Please allocate 100% of the total to who you think is responsible for managing your career.
For example: 40% is my responsibility, 70% is my employer’s, you should state only your level of responsibility. 


3. Questions on workplace expectations

3.1. Please rate the importance of the following factors relating to job expectations. For each aspect, please indicate the answer that best describes your opinion!
(1 = not expected at all, 2 = rather not an expectation, 3 = rather an expectation, 4 = very much expected)  

Opportunities for learning and gaining experience

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Opportunities for development, career progression, predictable career path

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Interesting, varied tasks, continuous challenges

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Moral recognition from my manager and colleagues

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Experience of success (for myself)

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Recognition and reward for outstanding performance

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Salary, benefits and bonuses in line with expectations

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Reliable, well-known, reputable employer

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Long-term job security

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Good working environment, good relations with immediate colleagues and the direct manager

Not expected at all

Very much expected


The company is committed to social responsibility and supporting good causes

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Flexible working arrangements

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Family-friendly workplace

Not expected at all

Very much expected


Excellent working environment

Not expected at all

Very much expected


3.2. Please select the 3 most important requirements for a job/ for finding a job out of the above-mentioned factors. The nomination number also indicates your order of importance! 

3.3. Please rank the following types of workplaces according to where you would most like to work! The first on the list is the most liked type.
(1) A workplace for outstanding and successful people, where it is possible to provide excellent performance and achieve a successful experience, is provided with the appropriate work equipment and environment. And the reward for outstanding work is the expected pay.

(2) A workplace for development, where many opportunities for growth, training and experience are available, even in an international context. Ongoing challenges make the job even more exciting.

(3) A fair treatment workplace where one is recognized, motivated and able to express one’s opinion.

(4) A family-friendly workplace, where flexible work opportunities are available. A predictable career path awaits the employee so she/he can spend enough time with the family and she/he is even active in social responsibility. The workplace is easily accessible.

(5) The workplace of teamwork, where teamwork is an element, is a good way to work with an accepting leader and co-workers.

(6) A secure workplace with a good reputation and social esteem. It also tries to help and recognize its employees with various benefits, for whom it provides a secure job in the long run. 

Drag the items from the first list to the second list to order them.
(1) A workplace for outstanding and successful people
(2) A workplace for development
(3) A fair treatment workplace
(4) A family-friendly workplace
(5) The workplace of teamwork
(6) A secure workplace

4. Sector specific questions

4.1. What sector are you interested in for employment/career?
You can select more than one answer!

5. Körber-specifikus kérdések

5.1. Sorolj fel három ipari munkáltatót Baranya vármegyében! 

5.2. Hallottad-e már a Körber Hungária Gépgyártó Kft- nevét?

5.3. Dolgozol vagy dolgoztál-e már a Körber Hungáriánál, vagy a Hauni Hungáriánál?

5.5. Mennyire ismered a Körber Hungária Gépgyártó Kft.-nél meglévő munka/karrierlehetőségeket?

5.8. Szerinted az alábbi állítások milyen mértékben érvényesek a Körberre?
1=nem értek egyet, 4=egyetértek 

A vállalat támogatja az ott dolgozók szakmai továbbképzését. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat csúcstechnológiájú berendezésekkel állít elő termékeket. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat valódi szakmai lehetőséget kínál munkatársainak. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat rendszeresen támogat közhasznú alapítványokat, sport és kulturális programokat.

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat önkéntesei egészségügyi, oktatási, szabadidős létesítményeket újítanak fel.

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat Baranya vármegye egyik meghatározó foglalkoztatója. 

Nem értek egyet



Az ennél a cégnél dolgozók büszkék lehetnek rá, hogy ott dolgoznak.

Nem értek egyet



A vállalatnál dolgozók száma dinamikusan nő. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat a kötelező juttatásokon felül gondoskodik munkavállalóiról. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat vonzó munkakörülményeket teremt munkavállalói számára. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat dinamikusan fejlődik. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalatnál jó dolgozni. 

Nem értek egyet



A vállalat stabil és tőkeerős szereplője a baranyai gazdaságnak.

Nem értek egyet



6. Demographic information

6.1.Do you have permanent residence in Hungary?


6.4. Have you ever had a job?

6.5. Are you currently employed?

 hónap munkatap./months of working exp.

6.7. How did you get your latest job? If there were several factors involved, please indicate the most important one.

6.8. In which sector does your employer operate?

6.9. In which sector do you work?

6.10. To what extent is your current job related to your current studies, and to what extent can you apply in your work what you have learned?

6.11. Approximately how many people work at your workplace?
Please indicate the total - largest - number of employees or, in the case of a company with more than one site, the total number of employees of the parent company.

 hónap óta dolgozom itt/months working here

6.13. Which position do you hold?

6.14. Type of employment

6.15. Additional nature of employment

6.16. Termination of contract

6.17. Place of employment

 napot dolgozok otthonról/days working from home

Thank you for completing the survey!

If you would like to take part in the PRIZE DRAW, please give a code word and a password below. (We recommend you to memorize it until the draw.) 

You can save your answers to our database by clicking the "Submit" button. Saving your data may take a couple of seconds depending on the speed of the internet access.

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